Start Lesson 3C by reading the set of words whose first syllable contain key vowel sound [a], continue to do the same through [y].
a a•ble acorn agent amen a•mor•al Amos anus a•pri•cot apron a•que•ous apex
a a•ban•don a•bil•i•ty about achieve across adapt adopt adore adult afraid again a•gen•da agree ahead ajar alarm alert alive alone A•mer •i•ca among amuse a•nat•o•my a•ne•mic apart a•pol•o•gy asleep astute arise a•rith•me•tic a•ro•ma around a•tom•ic away
ab•bey ab•do•men ab•duc•tion ab•er•ra•tion abhor ab•nor•mal ab•o•li•tion ab•o•rig•i•nal abscond absent ab•so•lute absolve absorb abstain ab•sti•nence absurd [ab•bre•vi•ate ]
ac•a•dem•ic ac•cel•er•ate ac•cent ac•cept ac•cess ac•ces•so•ry ac•ci•dent ac•cu•rate ac•knowl•edge acme acne ac•o•lyte ac•qui•esce acrid ac•ro•bat ac•ro•nym action ac•ti•vate active ac•tiv•i•ty actor ac•tu•al
ac•com•mo•date ac•com•pa•ny ac•com•plice ac•com•plish ac•cord•ing•ly accost account ac•count•ant accrue ac•cu•mu•late accuse ac•cus•tom acquaint acquire acquit
ac•e•tate ac•e•tone ac•e•tous acid ac•i•do•sis
ad Adam ad•ap•ta•tion addict ad•dict•ed ad•e•quate adhere ad•he•sive ad•min•is•tra•tion ad•mi•ral admire ad•mis•sion admit ad•mon•ish ad•o•les•cent ad•o•ra•tion advance ad•van•tage Advent ad•ven•ture adverb adverse ad•ver•tise advice advise ad•vo•cate
ad•den•dum ad•di•tion address ad•ja•cent adjourn adjust ad•re•nal [ad•di•o ]
ad•jec•tive adjunct ad•ju•tant
af•fa•ble af•flu•ent afghan Af•ri•can af•flu•ence after
affair affect af•fec•tion af•fec•tive af•fi•da•vit af•fil•i•ate af•fin•i•ty affirm af•flic•tion afford affront
Ag•a•mem•non ag•ate ag•gra•vate ag•gre•gate ag•nos•tic ag•ony ag•ri•cul•ture
Exercise No. 3C © 1996/2013 O. A. Neumann